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1. Psoriasis Vulgaris
This form is prevalent because it called psoriasis vulgaris. Named as well as lesions of plaque-type lesions are generally shaped plaque. Place predileksinya namely the scalp, scalp border with the face, extremities, especially the extensor ie knees, elbows and lumbosacral region.

Clinical Symptoms of Psoriasis

General condition is not affected, except in the erythrodermic psoriasis. Some patients complained of mild itching. Predilection spot on scalp, face scalp border, extremity, especially the extensors at the elbow and knee and lumbo sacral region.

Causative Factors of Psoriasis

Psoriasis Medical Health Shaman
For several decades, psoriasis is a disease characterized by hyperplasia of epidermal and dermal inflammation. Additional characteristics based on histopathological changes were found in psoriatic plaques and laboratory data describing the cell cycle and transit time of cells in the epidermis. Thickened epidermis in psoriasis plaques and hyperplastic, and there are incomplete maturation of epidermal cells over the cell area germinatif. Rapid replication of cells germinatif very easily recognized, and there is a reduction in transit time for cells through the epidermal cells thick.   


Psoriasis is probably one of the diseases that have long been found in humans and is a disease that also raises many question marks in the diagnosis. Some researchers believe that psoriasis had existed long ago and known as "Tzaraat" in the Bible. At the time of dahalu psoriasis included in category one variation of leprosy.

Treatment and Therapy of Paronychia

Acute paronychia is generally caused by bacteria, the treatment of choice preparations flucloxacilin 4 x 250 mg / day; generally worked well. When formed pus drainage done, without neglecting the five principles of treatment of hand infections are:
1. Administration of antibiotics
2. Rest and elevation of the affected part of the infection
3. Early recognition of pus and the pus is right
4. Remove the pus, if necessary debridement in space abscess
5. Adequate treatment after action


Paronychia or CANTENGAN is an inflammatory reaction of the folds of skin and tissue around the nail. Acute paronychia most often caused by bacterial infection, usually Staphylococcus aureus or Pseudomonas aeruginosa, whereas chronic paronychia caused by the fungus Candida albicans.

How to Prevent Coronary Heart Disease

No old motto better than "Prevention is better than cure". This goes for anyone, especially in people who have high risk factors.
Priority of prevention, performed mainly on:
a. Patients with CHD, peripheral arterial disease, and cerebrovascular atherosclerosis.
b. Patients without symptoms but considered high risk because of:

Treatments and Theraphy of Coronary Heart Disease

The goal of treatment are:
a. Improve prognosis by preventing myocardial infarction and death. Efforts is how to reduce the occurrence of acute thrombotic and left ventricular dysfunction. This goal can be achieved by lifestyle modification or pharmacologic interventions that will:

How to Diagnose Coronary Heart Disease

The first step in the management of Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) is the designation of a definite diagnosis. Correct diagnosis is important, because if a diagnosis of CHD has been made, in which are likely to have the sense that people will be able to experience cardiac infarction or sudden death. Diagnosis is wrong always have bad consequences on quality of life of patients ..

Pathogenetic of Acute Coronary Syndrome

Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) is one of the clinical manifestations of Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) main result of the atherothrombotic process, in addition to ischemic stroke and peripheral arterial disease (PAD). Atherothrombotic is a chronic disease in a highly complex and multifactorial and interrelated.


 Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) is a term that used to describe the spectrum of circumstances or set of processes disease including unstable angina pectoris / UA (unstable angina / UA), myocardial infarction non-Q wave, or myocardial infarction without ST segment elevation (Non-ST elevation myocardial infarction / NSTEMI), and myocardial infarction or Q wave myocardial infarction with ST segment elevation (ST elevation myocardial infarction / STEMI.

Clinical Manifestation of Polio

The following phases of the virus infection:
A. Acute Stage
That phase since the clinical symptoms up to 2 weeks. Characterized by increased body temperature. Sometimes accompanied by headache and vomiting. Paralysis caused by damage to the motor neuron cells in the spinal cord (spinal cord) due to a virus invasion. This paralysis is asymmetrical so it tends to cause a disturbance in body shape (deformity) that persist or even become more severe. Paralysis that occurs mostly in the legs (78.6%), whereas 41.4% in arm. Gradual paralysis lasted until about 2 months after the initial illness.

Therapy of Polio

      The management of poliomyelitis Treatment in patients with polio is not specific. Treatment aims to relieve symptoms and supportive treatment to improve the stamina of the patient. Physiotherapy services need to be given to minimize the paralysis and make sure to avoid muscle atrophy. Orthopedic treatments available for those who experience persistent paralysis. The most effective disease control is prevention through vaccination and surveillance of AI P. Do rehabilitation patients to rest and put to bed, allowing the affected limb to be really comfortable. If exposed to the respiratory organs, respiratory physical therapy may be needed.

How to Prevent Polio

Prevention Efforts
 There are some preventive measures this spread of polio, which are:

1. Polio eradication
 World Health Assembly in 1988 which was followed by most countries around the world made an agreement to conduct Polio Eradication (ERAPO) in 2000, meaning that a polio-free world in 2000. ERAPO the first program is to do with the overall immunization coverage.

How Polio Transmited

Poliomyelitis caused by polio virus. One in 200 infections develop into paralysis. A total of 5-10 percent of patients paralyzed, died when his breathing muscles become paralyzed. Mostly affects children under the age of three years (more than 50 percent of cases), but can also affect adults. Prevention by vaccination at regular intervals, ideally in childhood.

Types of Polio

        Poliomyelitis, or polio, is a paralysis or paralytic disease caused by viruses. Carrier agent, the disease is a virus called poliovirus (PV), enters the body through the mouth, infecting the intestinal tract. The virus can enter the bloodstream and flows into the central nervous system causing muscle weakness and sometimes paralysis.

The word "polio" is derived from [Greek] or its more recent, from the "gray" and "spotting". Polio disease caused by infection with polio virus derived from the genus Enterovirus and the family Picorna viridae. The virus is transmitted through the feces (stool) or throat secretions of infected people. Polio virus entered through saliva causing infection.


Indonesian name for Carbuncle is BISUL, so what is Carbuncle? Carbuncle is an abscess larger than a boil, usually with one or more openings draining pus onto the skin. It is usually caused by bacterial infection. Most carbuncles are caused by the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus. The infection is contagious and may spread to other areas of the body or other people. A carbuncle is made up of several skin boils.
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